The Institute of Information Systems of the HES-SO Valais-Wallis
The Institute of Information Systems of the HES-SO Valais is closely related to the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree courses of the same name and specialises in the development of information systems for companies in any industry. The Institute is active in high value-added areas of the local economy such as eHealth, eServices (digitization of services), eGovernment,eEnergy (energy management) or ERP. The Institute of Information Systems oversees the continuing education programmes in information technology.
The specialist skills of the Institute cover such varied areas as the Semantic Web, data intelligence, agile project management, the processing of medical information and software engineering. The Institute is successful because it develops and integrates innovative information systems that meet the needs of the economy.
The Institute also encourages knowledge and technology transfer between universities and the economy, develops an interdisciplinary approach and promotes international collaboration by participating in European and international research programmes.
The Institute of Information Systems works in promising, high value-added areas. Our general focus is on the digitisation of services(eLearning, eTourism,…). New information and communication technologies and software are omnipresent in our daily lives. Our job is to develop innovative and useful services. The Institute manages Cyberlearn, the eLearning Centre of the HES-SO.
Some projects
eGovernment: eGov Innovation Center
ERP: SAP Academic Competence Center Valais

Cyberlearn is the e-Learning Center of the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO). For the last 10 years, their humble team has been providing our students and teachers with the e-Learning resources they needed.
Cyberlearn helps teachers achieve their personal e-Learning projects, conducts research in the e-Learning field and encourages the adoption of blended learning as part of the educational program of the university.
Today, Cyberlearn is managing the widest Moodle platform in Switzerland, with more than 5’000 courses and around 16’000 active users. Moodecx is designed for them and its new plugins are meant to create a better experience for all our Moodle users.
Some of our creations
Gademavo: A serious game to help students solve problems in a professional context.
M-Drill: Improve your language skills effortlessly. Available for free on iOS and Android
Moodle Cyberlearn: The widest Moodle in Switzerland.